Saturday, June 13, 2009

TAR syndrome Case 3 6/7/2009

So what we see is bilateral absent radii. Absence of the radius is associated with multiple disorders and syndromes. Therefore because both radii are missing suggests a syndrome and the history of thrombocytopenia helps come up with a diagnosis.
TAR syndrome - thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome.
Differential - Fanconi's Anemia, VACTERL syndrome (Vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, cardiac anamolies, tracheo-esophageal fistula, radial ray anomalies) etc.
Fanconi's - oftentimes has missing thumbs. Short stature, skeletal dysplasias, bone marrow failure, cellular sensitivity and risk for solid tumors and leukemias; needs bone marrow transplant; generally considered to be Auto recessive.
VACTERL - obviously has a lot of other additional problems.

References - and

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