This series of images from an abd/pelvis CT demonstrates a hyperdense focus of contrast adjacent to the left common femoral artery with a small neck communicating the two. The patient had a recent cardiac catheterization. This represents a Left common femoral artery pseudoaneurysm.
1. < 5% of arterial access
2. Risks - large catheter, anticoagulation, calcified arteries, HTN, too low a puncture, obesity
3. Physical Exam - pulsatile hematoma at puncture site with a bruit.
4. Ultrasound - rapid diagnosis
5. Small - spontaneously resolve
6. Complication - infection and rupture
7. Tx - surgery, ultrasound guided compression and ultrasound guided thrombin injection
8. US-compression - neck - compress 20-30 min - complications are embolization and thrombosis
9. US-thrombin - thrombin 1000 Units/mL - use 1mL syringe - slow injection into pseudoaneurysm away from the neck; occasionally require more than 1 injection; complication - distal thrombosis from thrombin in system.
Reference - VIR requisites (Kaufman et al)
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Ultrasound guided Injection in Maidstone