Sunday, October 6, 2019

October Quiz

October Quiz - Get Your Geek On!


1. Spine stability can be thought of through the ___ column model. How many columns and what make them up?

2. Disruption of how many columns lead to instability?

3. In general, what are the rules for prevertebral thickness in kids?


What are the lines? Of the lines, which is likely the least significant for stability?

5. What is the normal atlantodental space in adults? In children?

6. In the setting of an occipital condyle fracture, what canals might be involved? What respective cranial nerves may be injured?

7. What are the 3 types of odontoid fractures?

8. Anterior inferior corner fragment with widening of the posterior disc space and spinous processes is concerning for what type of injury?

9. Extension injuries are associated with?

a. Widened spinous process distance
b. PLL disruption and facet dislocation
c. tear or stretch of ALL and disruption of the anterior annulus fibrosus
d. tear or stretch of PLL and disruption of the anterior annulus fibrosus

10. 90% of thoracic and lumbar fractures occur?

a. T1-L5
b. T11-L4
c. T12-L2
D. T10-L3


11. Fracture of what suggests the presence of occult sacral fractures?

a. L5 body
b. L4 transverse process
c. L4 body
d. L5 transverse process
e. b and c

12. The superior or inferior margin of the pubic symphysis is allowed some step off.

13. What are the 3 major types of pelvic ring fractures?

14. What are the 5 apophyses and what muscle attachment that are associated with pelvic apophyseal avulsion fractures?

15. What are the 5 primary fracture patterns of the acetabulum?

16. What is a transverse acetabular fracture?

Hip and Femur

17. What is the major blood supplier of the femoral head?

18. When the femur is internally rotated, which trochanter is in profile and which is hidden?

19. What complication increases significantly with the length of time till reduction of a dislocated hip?

20. If a patient is osteoporotic with hip pain and/or inability to walk and a normal x-ray - what study should be recommended?

a. Repeat x-ray with weight bearing
b. CT
c. CT arthrogram
d. US
e. MRI

21. SCFE - what age group and what types of patients get the process?

Bonus - If I form a new band - which name should I choose - Points based on explanation

a. The MR Shims

b. Bros Before Defacography Hose

c. Flight of the Barium

d. Anna Phylaxis

e. Ultra Sound

f. HIDA the Money

G. Clash of the Liver US

H. How Low Can UR Gastrograffin Go

i. I Don't Chiari I Bit

J. Other - your suggestion

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