Saturday, December 15, 2018

Movember Quiz Answers

Congrats to Drs Dey, Vosburg, Bonney and Bulzan - y'all did great. Below are the answers for this month's quiz - We will see you in February!

1. Males 30-49 years because of occupational exposure and risk taking behavior. Runners - affect male genitalia. (historically not currently - military) (2 points)

2. Thumb - protection when clenched in the palm. (1 point)

3. More than 24 hours after injury, use methamphetamines, or have evidence of multiple freeze-thaw-refreeze injuries (3 points)

4. SPECT-CT - precise anatomical localization of functional information for surgical planning. Define exact level of bone necrosis. Better evaluate small digits and tips of distal phalanges. Evaluate response to treatment. (3 points)

5. Penile fracture - is a tear in the tunica albuginea with rupture of corpus cavernosum. Freudian slip in the original question - sorry - 1 point

6. T1 and T2 hypointense thickening (plaques) of the tunica albuginea. Acute - enhancement of plaque. (2 points)

7. Liposarcoma - frequently demonstrates thickened septa or enhancing soft tissue components. Scrotal liposarcomas are larger and may demonstrate local invasion or metastatic disease. 3 points

8. Lymphoma - most common bilateral tumor (also most common secondary neoplasm involving the testes). 1 or more T2 hypointense masses with enhancment. Restricts on DWI and ADC (3 points).

9. 18F-NaF PET/CT is superior in sensitivity but not specificity - 1 point.

10. Focal incidental prostate activity with maximum SUV of more than 6 should be further evaluated with multiparametric MRI of the prostate.

11. Physiologic

12. Physiologic uptake in the celiac ganglia


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