Thursday, November 8, 2018

October Quiz Answers!

Great Job Drs. Dey, Bonney, Trace and Vosburg!  Below are the answers to the October Quiz

1. D (1 Point)

2. Extracapsular rupture and gel bleed (2 points)

3. It is an ultrasound artifact  (echogenic noise artifact) by free silicone. It is evidence of extracapsular rupture or gel bleed in either a silicone granuloma or lymph node. (2 points)

4. Keyhole (lasso, noose, inverted teardrop, dark open loop), subcapsular line sign, linguine sign (wavy line sign) - (3 points)

5. Screening mammography of an augmented breast with use of both implant-included and implant-displaced views has a 45% sensitivity for detection of cancer, compared with a 67% sensitivity in the nonaugmented breast (1 point)

6. Stability is typically achieved 2-3 years after treatment.(1 point)

7. Typically 2-4 weeks but can be up to 8 weeks. They recommend follow up at 6-8 weeks - if lesion is the same or bigger - biopsy (2 points)

8. Interval change (1 point)

9. Infection (mastitis +/- abscess) and locally advanced breast cancer (2 points)

10. Dermal lymphatic involvement (1 point)

11. Initial treatment and staging - primary lesion, skin involvement, lymph node extent (ipsilateral axillary and distal), distant mets (bone and soft tissue) (2 points).

12. Designate biopsy sites  and guide biopsy (2 points). 

D. New Order - Blue Monday This has to one of my favorites songs by one of my favorite bands. Sorry - I am very 80's British heavy. It was my thing in middle and high school. 

21 total possible points

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