Monday, July 6, 2009

6-27-2009 Case 2 answer - Capillary Telangiectasia

Lesion that is not seen on T1 precon but demonstrates "stipple" enhancement on postcontrast images in the pons - this is consistent with capillary telangiectasia.

  • Most are in pons - but can be seen in cerebral, cerebellar and spinal cord tissue
  • Nearly always asymptomatic and no further intervention necessary
  • 16-20% of intracerebral vascular malformations at autopsy
  • CT - almost always normal
  • T1 - hypo to iso to brain
  • T2 - normal (often) or slightly hyperintense
  • T2* - can be normal or low in signal - but not due to hemorrhage or calcification - and likely represents deoxyhemoglobin in slow flowing blood
  • T1 postcon - brush like or stippled pattern
  • No mass effect
  • 2/3 have enlarged vessel that may represent a draining vein.
  • Often considered an acquired lesion and may represent obstructed venous drainage
  • Can be seen in association with cavernomas and AVMs
  • Does not show up on angiography

Reference - and

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