Fans of Rob's Radiology - this is a Colloid Cyst.
- Benign lesion in the anterior 3rd ventricle (near foramen of Monro)
- Neuroepithelial in origin - is the leading theory
- Can cause sudden death by obstructing the foramen of Monro
- May have pendulous attachment to 3rd ventricular roof
- Usually found in adults but has been reported in children
- Often found incidentally
- Headaches - brief and intermittent
- Headaches - in some patients are positional
- Hydrocephalus, drop attacks, momentary loss of consciousness, progressive dementia, papilledema, diplopia,
- CT - typically dense and near the foramen of Monro
- MRI - variable appearance depending on the contents - most common Bright on T1 and dark on T2
- Can be followed but commonly surgically resected to prevent the risk of sudden death.
references - http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/content/full/21/8/1470 and emedicine.com
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