Friday, January 3, 2020

December Quiz Answers

Congrats to Dr. Dey, Bonney, and Lussier!

1. Fusion of the medial growth plate starting at Kump's bump - therefore, the lateral growth plate is still open and able to be fractured in a Salter-Harris pattern such as Tillaux and Triplane fractures (1 point)

2. Pilon fractures (1 point)

3. Tenosynovitis of the Achilles Tendon - The Achilles tendon does not have a tendon sheath - it has a peritenon. Therefore, it has a peritendinitis (2 point)

4. Posterior Tibial osteophytes or os trigonum (1 point)

5. 3 (1 point)

6. The high risk of osteoarthritis (1 point)

7. Jones fractures have a high risk of delayed or nonunion (1 point)

8. False (1 point)

9. Growth Arrest Lines - thin sclerotic lines within metaphysis and parallel to the physis. Associated with periods of childhood stress such as illness or trauma - (2 points)

10.  Badly worded question - sorry - used my phrase versus what is in the book - should have used lucent metaphyseal bands - rickets, leukemia, metastatic neuroblasotma (2 points)

11. Erlenmeyer flask deformity - undertubulation - rickets, osteopetrosis, FD, multiple osteochondromas, dwarfism, storage disease (2 ooints)

12. Would never get an IRB to obtain the data (1 point)

13. Congenital (1 point)

14. Neurofibromatosis - can have devastating rapid progression to severe angulation and subluxation which can lead to paralysis. (2 points)

15. Idiopathic is a diagnosis of exclusion and in the setting of pain - should search for tumor, stress fracture or infection (2 points)

16. Ok - sorry - again went away from the book on this one - they say break in the dog's neck, but I say the lucency is the collar on the dog's neck versus all the others without a collar - sorry - it means spondylolysis of the pars. (2 points)

Bonus - up to 2 points

25 points possible

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