Friday, October 11, 2019

October 2019 Quiz Answers

Congrats to - Dr. Dey, Bonney, Vosburgh, Lussier, and The Great Yoni



1. 3; Anterior (anterior 1/2 of vertebral body and ALL), Middle (posterior 1/2 of the vertebral body and PLL), and posterior (posterior elements, facets, associated ligaments) (4 points)

2. 2 to 3 columns (1 point)

3. 2/3 width of C2 body level at C3 and C4 and no more than 14 mm at C6 (1 point)

4. 1 - Anterior vertebral line, 2. Posterior vertebral line, 3. spinal laminar line, 4 - posterior spinous line; Posterior spinous line is least likely to be associated with significant instability (2 points)

5. 2.5 mm; 5 mm (1 point)

6. Hypoglossal canal or jugular foramen; Cranial nerves IX and XII (2 points)

7. Type 1 - Tip; 2 - waist or base; 3 - extend into the body (1 point)

8. Flexion teardrop (1 point)

9. c (1 point)

10. b (a would have been 100%) (1 point)

15 points


11. d (1 point)

12. inferior (1 point)

13. AP compression, lateral compression, vertical shear (1 point)

14. iliac crest (abdominal muscles), anterior superior iliac spine (sartorius), anterior inferior iliac spine (rectus femoris), inferior pubic ramus (adductor muscles), ischial tuberosity (hamstrings) - (5 points)

15. Anterior wall, posterior wall, transverse, anterior column, posterior column (1 point)

16. Separates the upper hemipelvis from the lower hemipelvis and can occur above, at, or inferior to the roof of the acetabulum (1 point)


Hip and Femur

17. medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries from the profunda femoris artery (1 point)

18. Greater in profile; lesser - hidden (1 point)

19. AVN (1 point)

20. e (1 point)

21.  10-16; males, AA, obese, delayed skeletal maturation (2 points)


Total - 31 points +/- bonus

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