Monday, April 15, 2019

April Quiz Answers

Hey the answers are Here - It has been a fun year! Hope everyone enjoyed it.

Dr. Dey is the grand winner with Dr. Bonney as the runner up and Dr. Trace coming in 3rd. For everyone who participated - thanks and here is to a hopefully successful one next year!

1. C

2. Associated with ureteroilial stricture

3. Through natural urethra or through straight cath of a stoma or urethra

4. Reabsorption of ammonium and chloride may lead to worsening hepatic impairment

5. Renal artery PSV > 200 cm/s; Renal artery PSV to abominal aorta PSV ratio of > 3.5:1; lack of Doppler US in cases of occlusion; Aliasing

6. Every 1-2 years; >1.5 cm

7. Crossing renal vessel

8. Nutcracker phenomenon - left renal vein compressed between aorta and SMA; Syndrome - clinical signs and symptoms from phenomenon - hematuria, left flank pain; pelvic congestion syndrome, lower limb varices and varicoceles

9. T1

10. at least T3a

11. When mass is suspected of being hematologic, metastatic, infectious or inflammatory

12. cT1a lesions; anatomic or functionally 1 kidney; bilateral tumors; multiple masses; familial syndromes; preexisting CKD, proteinuria; young, multiple masses, comorbidities

Bonus - D

Sunday, April 7, 2019

April Quiz

April 2019 EVMS Unofficial Radiology Quiz
The Last for the 2018-2019 season!
The Final Countdown!

Man I wish I could still grow my hair that long

1. The typical diversion usually has the ostomy?
     a. Just below the umbilicus so they can use the urachal remnant
     b. In the left lower quadrant as it is easier for right handed people to handle the bag
     c. In the right lower quadrant similar to an ileostomy.

2. In incontinent diversions, why do they usually not implement antireflux anastomosis?

3. Continent diversion - How does one void?

4. Why does one need to have adequate liver function for a continent diversion?

5. What are the direct signs of renal artery stenosis

6. Patient has a 1.2 cm renal artery aneurysm. How often should she be reevaluated? When should she have definitive intervention?

7. UPJ obstruction is caused in 29-46% of the time by what?

8. What is nutcracker phenomenon and what is the distinction between this an nutcracker syndrome? 

9. Renal mass that is 3 cm in longest dimension with intact capsule and no involvement of the renal sinus fat would be considered what T stage?

10. Same mass but invades the renal pelvis would be at least what T stage? 

11. When should renal mass biopsy be considered?

12. Who should get partial nephrectomy?

Controversial, but what band may or may not have been partially responsible for the invention of CT?