Thursday, November 8, 2018

October Quiz Answers!

Great Job Drs. Dey, Bonney, Trace and Vosburg!  Below are the answers to the October Quiz

1. D (1 Point)

2. Extracapsular rupture and gel bleed (2 points)

3. It is an ultrasound artifact  (echogenic noise artifact) by free silicone. It is evidence of extracapsular rupture or gel bleed in either a silicone granuloma or lymph node. (2 points)

4. Keyhole (lasso, noose, inverted teardrop, dark open loop), subcapsular line sign, linguine sign (wavy line sign) - (3 points)

5. Screening mammography of an augmented breast with use of both implant-included and implant-displaced views has a 45% sensitivity for detection of cancer, compared with a 67% sensitivity in the nonaugmented breast (1 point)

6. Stability is typically achieved 2-3 years after treatment.(1 point)

7. Typically 2-4 weeks but can be up to 8 weeks. They recommend follow up at 6-8 weeks - if lesion is the same or bigger - biopsy (2 points)

8. Interval change (1 point)

9. Infection (mastitis +/- abscess) and locally advanced breast cancer (2 points)

10. Dermal lymphatic involvement (1 point)

11. Initial treatment and staging - primary lesion, skin involvement, lymph node extent (ipsilateral axillary and distal), distant mets (bone and soft tissue) (2 points).

12. Designate biopsy sites  and guide biopsy (2 points). 

D. New Order - Blue Monday This has to one of my favorites songs by one of my favorite bands. Sorry - I am very 80's British heavy. It was my thing in middle and high school. 

21 total possible points

Sunday, November 4, 2018

November (Movember) EVMS (not official) Journal Club Competition Articles

It is November! The unofficial grow your mustache month. So ladies stop waxing your lip and live a little! Below are some articles to enjoy the male pathology and an extra article on what might happen to you if you move to Alaska or Canada instead of staying warm in Virginia.

Frostbite - or Yoni keep your toes warm or they might look like this!

MRI of the Penis or Scrotum

Clinical PET in Prostate Cancer

October (unofficial) EVMS Journal Club Quiz!

It is time for the monthly quiz! I hope everyone had a great Halloween and now are waddling toward Thanksgiving. Let's see how you do!

1. Which of these is/are true?
a.  The low sensitivity of mammography is because of the relative radiolucency of silicone implants.
b.  Calcifications imply capsular contracture and/or implant rupture.
c.  Rounded implant over time may imply contracture and integrity issues of the implant
d.  Bulge or herniation may imply a focal point of weakness in the elastomer shell
e.  All of the above

2. Silicone are noted in axillary lymph nodes on mammogram. What are 2 possible etiologies?

3. What does a snowstorm appearance in a nodule on ultrasound mean?

4. What are 3 possible findings of intracapsular rupture on MRI?

5. What is the sensitivity for detecting malignancy in breast implants?

6. Mammographic stability is typically seen how long after treatment?

7. According to the article, "Assessment and management of challenging BIRADS-3 mammographic lesions", how long do the authors recommend follow up for suspected hematoms? How long do hematomas typically resolve?

8. What trumps or supersedes benign morphology?

9. What is the differential diagnosis for inflammatory breast cancer? 

10. What is the pathologic hallmark of IBC? 

11. What are the advantages of PET/CT?

12. What is the most important role of ultrasound in the pretreatment workup?

What song is currently the best selling 12 inch single of all time?

a. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
b. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen
c. West End Girls - Pet Shop Boys
d. Blue Monday - New Order
e. Earned It - The Weeknd